Our Mission
In Human Resources LLC exists to develop talent, leaders, and organizations.
Ethical: We uphold an ethical approach in our work, going above and beyond to innovate solutions that represent the best interest of all explicit and implicit stakeholders. We are not afraid to reject potential client work that violates our company’s mission, vision, and ethos.
Transparent: We hold honesty to be the best policy and believe in representing reality as it is. We endeavor to be transparent in our decision-making process, communication, and dealings with each individual. We believe that transparency is crucial to building and maintaining trust, since trust is the foundation of lasting relationships.
Humble: Humility is not an abdication of confidence or competence; it is self-awareness of one’s shortcomings. We value confidence backed by competence, tempered with a down-to-earth attitude and respect. We do not tolerate puffery, abuse of power, or malicious political maneuvering.
Outstanding: We believe in operating as a meritocracy. We are outstanding because we are nerds – studious in being masters of our specialties and proud of it! We look for every reasonable opportunity to advance our boutique skill base and knowledge to provide consistently excellent service, day after day, month after month, year after year.
Strategic: We are strategic in our approach across all levels. From developing a simple workflow to growing our business, we take a long term view and determine whether our decisions and approach align with our mission, vision, and values. We do not get distracted by the quick and shiny on our path to excellence.
Our Culture in Action

Beyond our company values, we have a creed that we follow in our internal operations. We believe in operating to improve our clients’ situation. We focus on strategic solutions that make long-term sense, regardless of the latest temporary trend. In our eyes, growth is not a goal. It is an outcome of day-to-day hard work and excellence. When we reach an operational crossroad, these are our guideposts:
Our commitment to excellence is first and foremost. Perfection is unattainable in the messy world of HR, but excellence can be pursued perpetually. We aim to be 1% better tomorrow than we were today. Think of where we could be 365 days from now. Excellence becomes a habit when we strive for it every day.
We do not deal in fads. We do not sell to sell. We operate to improve our clients’ situation. We create strategic solutions that make sense, regardless of the latest buzzwords and temporary trends. “Growth” is not a goal; it is an outcome of day-to-day hard work and excellence.
Work-Life Balance
We do not believe in keeping our people tied to work 24/7. We believe that creativity and a desire to learn comes from a well-rested mind and a soul allowed to engage in activities outside of work. We believe in limiting at-work distractions, conversational fluff, and pointless meetings so you can get back to life after work hours.
We realize that if everyone acted with self-responsibility all the time, HR would not need to exist. However, as consultants and coaches to others, we recognize that we must set an example with our conduct. This means we take time to think through and accept reasonable consequences for our actions, control our reactions, and follow through on our commitments. If we start with ourselves, it is only natural to consistently demonstrate self-responsibility for our clients.
We are grounded in reality. We do not face situations with toxic positivity that blinds us to the reality of facts or relentless negativity that stops us from finding a will and a way forward. We can admit our failures and navigate the often gray areas of uncertainty with an appreciation for the nuances of an imperfect world. We face situations with honesty and a thirst for the truth.
We approach our work and our colleagues with critical thinking skills at the forefront. We are curious about the “why” behind situations and focus more on a well-reasoned argument than baseless emotional appeals. While exercising reason and asking critical questions are actions that drive us, we are simultaneously compassionate and respectful in our interactions with others.
We embrace a common identity of being humans working at the same company. As humans, we all have unique backgrounds, experiences, and points of view. We welcome these differences, while focusing on our commonalities in our respect towards each other. We do not believe in creating needless divisions to subdivide ourselves into factions. We are all humans and we respect the inherent beauty of individuals freely choosing to come together to produce great work.